Thursday, December 15, 2016

Dear SAFEL, I Love You, Do You Believe Me?

:"Experiential learning takes place when a person involved in an activity looks back and evaluates it, determines what was useful or important to remember, and uses this information to perform another activity.”
Jhon D

Buat aini..
Aku nggak tau yang ada dipikiran aini pengen lanjut atau enggak, tapi aku tau di agenda aini selalu ada tempat untuk agenda safel...
Walau kadang suka overlap sama kesibukan ai yang banyaknya 11 12 sama vin~
Aku nggak mau nahan kamu di safel karena aku tau kamu punya kemampuan yang lebih diluar safel...
Tapi kalo kamu masih betah di safel dan masih punya tujuan yang belom tercapai di safel, tentu pintu safel akan selalu terbuka lebar untuk ai~
Intinya aku nggak mau maksa ataupun membebani...
Ikuti saja kata hati..
Karena keputusan malam ini adalah keputusan yang akan menentukan jalan yang akan kamu tempuh selama setahun kedepan...
Saya tau, pesan singkat yang dikirim Ketua Divisi saya tengah malam kemarin, ditulis dengan penuh pengertian. Dan ketika cerita ini saya jabarkan, saya sudah menjawab pesan diatas secara langsung melalui forum Rapat Besar SAFEL yang terakhir, yang kira-kira sudah berlalu empat jam yang lalu...
                Dear SAFELita,
              Do you know? That I tried as best as I can to hold my tears during our last meeting some hours ago? I know you may think that I’m melancholy or even over acting. I know, that some of you thought that SAFEL is only an ordinary organization or may be SAFEL is only place for spend your free time during this university’s life. But, who knows that SAFEL can be a guardian for someone?
                Dear SAFELita,
               Do you know? 2,5 years ago, in the middle of 2014, I was registered to SAFEL with brought a lot of big dreams, really. At that time, I brought “My Unanswered Prayers” and tried to believe that SAFEL could make them true. (Anyway you can read it “My Unanswered Prayers” in here ). For almost 2,5 years, there were a lot of things happened. For more than 50 programs, student exchanges, competitions, conferences and FGD that I’ve been applied, I always include SAFEL as my proud organization with a lot of golden work experiences on my CV. Bullshit if I say that I can make them all true, but still, I’m proud to say that 90% of my dreams and my Unanswered Prayers that I brought 2,5 years ago to SAFEL were became true. More than because of my CV that written SAFEL in it, all those golden experiences that I got from SAFEL are the best thing that I ever got in my life, in my way on make all my dreams become true.
                Dear SAFELita,
                Thank you for understand really well for all my faults and my absence in our agenda. Thank you for being my eternal supporter, my understandable families and also thank you for being my super warm and welcoming home.

                Dear SAFELita who didn't know me,
                I know, you may didn’t saw me often in our every agenda. You may think that I’m not care enough to our beloved home. And even, may be, you are think that I'm not good enough Senior for you. But, do you still believe me if I say that there are so many ways to show up and tell to peoples who you loved that you love them so much?
                Dear SAFELita who didn’t believe yet that our home is awesome,
                I know, that our home is not popular like the other Foreign Languages Organization from another Universities. I also know, that our events were not glamour enough than another events from another Universities. But do you ever realized that a lot of awesome achievement that you read it every year in Stadium General were come up from our beloved home?
                Dear SAFEL,
                I love you, I adore you,
                In so many ways,
                Do you believe me?

Yogyakarta, 16-12-2016
Your CCU-LM’s sister in 2014 till 2016.

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