Sunday, July 9, 2017



"Because I think, I couldn't say this Mei, or I would cry in front of you. And I won't, so here we are..."
"Ai, udah dikampus?"
"Ai, udah ngerjain tugas ini?"
"Ai, udah belajar buat UAS?"
"Ai, habis ini mau sarapan dulu kan?Soto Rembang apa foodcourt?"
"Ai, balik kos apa nunggu dikampus?"
"Ai, sholat dulu yuk."
"Ai, keperpus gak?"
"Ai, ke Ignatius yuk"
"Ai, ntar malem jadi ke JCO?"
"Ai, sibuk gk?Temenin kesini"
"Ai, besok pas aku lomba dateng ya, di Gembira Loka"
"Ai, ke gramed yuk?"
"Ai, udah beli buku ini? Nyari di social agency yuk"
"Ai, jadi mau beli batik buat eyang? Ke malioboro aja ya"
"Ai nyetak foto sekalian di ortindo?"
"Ai, habis ini ke toko merah ya!"
"Ai, ke cafe ini yuk?"
"Ai, aku badmood, temenin belanja"
"Ai, besok bareng aja aku jemput dikos ya"
"Ai, anterin ke Prambanan"
"Ai, ayo liburan ke Dieng!"
"Ai, jadi nge jeep ke Merapi kan?"
"Ai, ikut ke banyuwangi?"
"Ai, ke Semarang aja po?"
"Ai, jadi ke hotel gak?"
"Ai, mau keluar sama anak-anak apa dikamar aja?"
"Ai, PPL sama aku ya. Di SMA Depok gimana?"
"Ai, kita dipindah di SMA Bantul."
"Ai, udah bikin RPP? Media kamu apa?"
"Ai, mau maju micro minggu ini apa minggu depan?"
"Ai, besok observasi yuk."
"Ai, kita cari kos kapan?"
"Ai, aku udah sholat istikharah, lamarannya aku terima." :')
Dan, yang terakhir bikin saya speechless setengah mati. Really:')
I know her since Maba. She is the one who always stand by my side on my up and down univ lyfe. When peoples see my laugh, she is the one who saw my cried. When peoples see my bright, she is the one who saw my dark. When peoples see my victory, she is the one who saw my struggle. I'm not share my biggest fear and anxiety to everyone. But she is one of few people who really know how I really am.
She is not psycholog, nor the one who I know for so long. But she know how to handle my fear. She just listen all in my heart.

Dear Meime,
Listen to me,
I dunno what will happen to us after this.
We already done our class and you already getting married. We probably rarely meet. Our time is getting limit. So let me say this thing to you.

Dear Meime,
Thank you for being my eternal supporter Meii,
Thank you for always listen all my fear, my anxiety, my dark and even my cried.
I know you probably bored or tired to hear all those rubbish things. But yeah, you still beside me no matter what.

Dear Meime,
You know I'm weak.
You know I'm such a cry baby.
And you know I need you, for sure.
So please don't go too far, I beg you.
Let me comes to you whenever I need you.
You will still stand by side, right?
Dear Meime,
Will you?

I know, I know that it was not an easy decision for you. I know, getting married in 21 y.o is not a small thing. Even I know, it's more and more -not an easy thing to do-  when your Ummi gone before D-Day. But Allah never give a problem more than human can do, right? And I do believe, you are tough more than anyone knows.

Dear Meime,
Happy wedding ya Me:')
Wish you be a happiest bride, happy wife and have a good life with your hubby :')

Dear Meime,

I'm happy for you, really.
As happy as your Ummi too :')

With Love,
Your teman makan ice cream jagung.

Life isn't always lovely, but it's a beautiful ride

Hai, I know it's already 2018, but how your 2017?  What your best companion? Your best healer? This post probably gonna be s...