Saturday, October 14, 2017

To Billa, Congraduation beib!

Dear, Billa.

I dunno what the best gift that I could give to you. Because I thought there isn't best gift that could represent how important you are in my life.
So here I write this letter. 
Wish you read it slowly, in your free time, with a cup of tea, then play your favorite song.

Dear Billa,
Let's throw back to 2015.

"Kak, kumpulnya dimana ya? Aku udah sampe di depan KR nih, tapi gak tau kalian yang mana"

"Oke, gue samperin yah. Anyway gak usah panggil kak. Kayaknya kita seumuran"

Did you remember that bil?
Itu pertama kali percakapan kita. Pas kumpul volunteer IOAA chapter Jogja yang pertama. 
Then, we went to Magelang. To our memorable resort, Puri Asri. Dan, saat itu agenda para volunteer lagi sibuk ngurus barang-barang student/ observer/ atau teamleadernya. Meanwhile, kita justru sibuk mengkotak-kotakan para volunteer yang dateng dari seluruh Indonesia. Which one is 'gebetan-able', which one is 'pacar-able' dan which one is 'suami-able'.
I know we such a dork girls (at that time). Percakapan dulu sangat tidak berfaedah, really. Tapi ya, apa yang kalian harepin dari pemikiran bocah 19 tahun yang sedang 'trapped in the middle of 'happiness' circle' ?lol.

Dan, I still remember the time when we finally forced to sleep in different room. Sempet maksain buat pindah kamar, kalau-kalau kita lupa buat profesional. Dan, untung kamar kita gak jauh-jauhan banget ya bil:') We passed those 2 weeks like a dream. Cepet banget.

But ya, the main point is not about those 2 weeks. Okay, I could deny that those 2 weeks still being my fav volunteer's memories so far. But more than that, I'm very blessed that IOAA give me so many (new) families that I could rely on, and one of them is you, bil.
I know 2015 to 2017 was so short. But hey, it's not always about time right? Sometimes, time doesn't matter. Sometimes, heart know best, which one would be the real definition of 'home'. 
And through our home, we've been through a lot of things in it. Both happiness and sadness. 
You know I'm such a cry baby girl. But I couldn't cry in front of peoples but you. Like, I still could believe I could cry in front of you bil.

-Making new friends is easy. But hold them still is hard-

"Pernah mikir gak sih Ai? Kenapa kita bisa tetep keep in touch sampe sekarang?"
"Kenapa bil?"
"Soalnya salah satu dari kita selalu ngiket. Even we just asked a simple question like, "Ai, apakabar? Lagi sibuk apa sekarang?". We know that sometimes, or for some peoples, especially for now day, those question is like super basa basi question. But however, justru pertanyaan basa basi itu yang bikin kita awet, sampe sekarang. Sampe salah satu dari kita ada yang ngechat,  "Lagi dimana? Makan bareng yuk!". Dan kita masih "nyempetin", dan we talk a lot of things, till now."

Inget bil? Itu percakapan terakhir kita pas makan bareng di Lotek Bu Bagyo. Atas janji aku ke kamu buat makan bareng setelah KKN. And we did it.
I know lately we look so grey and blue. We still laughed in super receh jokes outside, meanwhile we had our own hard time inside. 
But bil, all is well as long as we have each other, right??

Dear, Billa.
The one that I always call billa instead of dinnar.
Thank you for being the one that I could rely on.
Tau gak sih bil, kalo lagi sendu dan inget kamu, aku selalu inget lorong-lorong JIH. Kamu yang rela nemenin aku, nunggu dokter dari sore-larut malem. Have a deep talk, and cried together:')
And ya, memori itu selalu bikin aku buat gak berhenti bersyukur sama Allah punya kamu bil:')

Dear, Billa.
Thank you for being my eternal reminder, my sister, my deep talk partner, my volunteer partner, my lunch partner and my loyal supporter.
Let's keep in touch. I've promised to visit you in your home. So please, trust me. Whenever is it. Please, wait me:')

Dear, Billa.
Thank you for write my name in your thesis. You know it's an honoured:') Sadly, I even couldn't attend both your thesis defense or graduation ceremony. Bil, you know how much I proud of you right? As much as I'm sad to realize that I couldn't attend both of them.

Dear, Billa.
Today is your day.
The day when you finally arrived in one of 'hardest path' in your life.
Congratulations babe!!
You know that you more than awesome, that I proud of you so much, that I love you to the moon and back.

Dear, Billa.
Let's meet, let's talk, soon.

Dear, Billa.
Aku rindu

With love,

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