Thursday, August 1, 2013

Wonderful of Bali Island Indonesia

Hallo everyone !!!
Do you ever heard about Bali? Or have you visited Bali?
Well, Bali is so popular place in the world. But I’m so disappointed couse just some of peoples in the world knew that Bali is part of Indonesia. They assumed that Bali is the name of country. Huy guys, it was wrong ! Bali is part of INDONESIA.
Well, some month ago, I visited Bali with my friends. And I just wanna give you some information about Bali.
Tanah Lot

The first place that I visited was Tanah Lot. It was so beautiful place in Beraban Village, Kediri – Tabanan Bali. It was not far from Kuta or Denpasar. May be around 20-30 minutes from there. Well, I love the sand, I love the beach, I love the grass, I love the view and I love the stone ! Do you ever saw the money of Indonesia in 1000 rupiah ? Look the money and try to find out a beautiful place inside it. Well, when you visit Tanah Lot, you will see those picture ! It was Pura Dang Kahyangan. It was Pura sea for pray to God who saved Bali sea. Well do you like to see sunset? If yeah, you should be here ! It was so beautiful !

Kuta Beach

It was so popular Beach in Bali because of the white sand and the sunset. It was at Badung, south of Denpasar. I love the sand so much ! Some peoples said that Kuta was dirty. But when I went there, it was not dirty at all. I still love the sand ! And the sunset, exactly. You should be here too. But I suggest you to see the date before you visit it. Couse Kuta beach was so popular. Do you ever heard the tragedy Boom of J.W Mariot? Well it was happen around it. Or do you ever heard about Joger shop ? Well, it was around it too. So, if you wanna go there, please be sure is not holiday !

Tanjong Benoa
Hey hey hey ! Do you like to see Turtle? Bird? Reptile ? And do you like Snorkeling? Sea Walker? Banana Boat? Parasailing? Wakerboard? Waterski? Jetski? Scuba Diving? Rolling Donut? Flaying Fish? Or Glass bottom? Oh God, I think if you wanna get something fun you should be Tanjong Benoa, Badung Bali and feel the taste !
Panglipuran Village
Do you want to know Bali’s Culture? So, I suggest you to go to Kubu, Bangle Bali. You will find out the real life of Balinese. The cloth, the daily life, the house, the culture and everything about Bali. I love the cloth. I love the house. I love the culture. And I love everything inside it ! It was the best village that I ever visited ! Well, when you go there, you can enter the house and look their daily life. You can also enter the house and take the picture at there. You can enjoy it so much ! I sure they will be welcome you. But, I suggest you to be careful and respectful. Couse you will find incense very easy and it was so dangerous if you disturb or destroy it. 



My favorite beach that I’ve been visited in Bali was Dreamland ! For me, it was so beautiful beach. I love the sand. I love the view. I love the wave. I love the hill. And I love the corals. Well guys, Dreamland was different with other beach in Bali. There was a beautiful hill near the beach. It was Unggasan Hill. And near the hill there were so many beautiful corals. I love it so much ! And the sand, it was more beautiful than Kuta, exactly. Well, Dreamland was not crowded like Kuta and Tanjong Benoa. So, you can more enjoy it. Do you wanna visit it? Come on to Unggasan Hill, Kuta Golf Link Resort !
            Hihihi okay, have done! I just can share it. But if I have more information I will inform you again.Well, sorry for my random grammar. I’m Indonesian and I can’t speak English as best as American or British. Just keep remind me if my grammar was wrong. Hihihi see you !    

(Picture : some of mine some of from Google)

Time Machine

            I love writing so much ! For me, writing can make my failed dreams became true, hihihi. Even I know it just such as a fake reality (?) -do you know what I mean? :D- , I still love it so much ! It was like I have another life that could make all of my dreams become true. I can be whatever who I wanna be. I can do whatever that I wanna do. And I can make every impossibility to be possibility. Is it have fun at all?
            So, that’s why I made a blog. To share everything that want, that I know, and everything that I wanna give. But, I’m not the one who could active in my blog like the other. Couse I felt that my time was so limit. I have so many thing that I wanna say, that I wanna write, that I wanna share. But when it full in my mind, it was just blew by the time. It was so terrible. I hate it so much :(
            Sometimes I was thinking what have I done? Why the time was so limit? I felt that I was just tried to start write, but suddenly the clock was show that it was time for me to do my duties. Well, I’m still kiddo….(hahaha) who need to go to school !!! But sometimes too, I was doing nothing, only thinking what I wanna write, and suddenly (again) it was time to sleep. Well, writing need a lot of time so much ! Right?
            Well, about my title ‘Time Machine’, I just wanna make time machine and I can handle it whatever I want, so can write everything that I want more and more long. Hahaha. Hoping so much I can make it come true wkwk. Even it was impossible, I still want it to make it come true in my another life hahaha (re: story). I’m sure I will share it like my another short story in this blog, hoping so much that you will give me a good idea, or suggestion or something like that after read my short story. Hey, visit my short story ya? Hihihi. Honestly I have made 3 novel when I was Junior High School, but I was not publish it in my blog, only in my FB. Maybe next time I will share it, hoping so much again ! But I think I need edit it so much, couse I wrote it when I JHS and my word was so random, well I was more kiddo at that time hihihi. But for edit it, it will be eat (?) my time so much !!! I don’t know when I can share it. Just hoping so !!!
            And about my grammar, sorry if you feel there were mistake so much, I’m not British, I’m not American, I’m just Indonesian who learn English so much ! I just wanna try to write and write everything that I know in English, please tell me if I should make it right hehehe. Hoping so that I could speak English fluently so I can share everything that I know to everyone not only Indonesian. And I hoping so too that I could introduce my beloved country Indonesia in the world with my blog, hehehe. Well, I think enough, the clock show me that know is 6.13 am. And it’s time for me to take a bath and then go to school. So, see you yaa !!! Thank you for visit my blog, love ♥ ♥♥ !!!!!!!


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